Inspiring Kindness in Kids: A Read Aloud Reading List

In a world that can sometimes feel chaotic, instilling kindness in children is a valuable gift that lasts a lifetime. Let’s face it: kindness matters.

One powerful way to cultivate this virtue is through the enchanting world of children’s books.

Here’s a curated list of heartwarming titles that explore the theme of kindness, teaching young minds the beauty of compassion, empathy, and friendship.

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1. Kindness is My Superpower by Reading Pioneers Academy

Duration: 8:50

Kickstarting our list is a book that positions kindness as a superpower. The story, narrated by Reading Pioneers Academy, takes young readers on a journey where they discover the strength that lies in simple acts of kindness and how kindness matters.

 2. BE KIND by Pat Zietlow Miller and Jen Hill 

 Duration: 4:44 

Delve into the enchanting world of “BE KIND with PV Storytime. This beautifully illustrated book by Pat Zietlow Miller and Jen Hill encourages children to explore the profound impact small acts of kindness can have on the world around them.

 3. Sprinkled With Kindness by Reading in a Virtual World 

 Duration: 5:32 

Join the virtual world of kindness with this delightful read-aloud by Reading in a Virtual World. “Sprinkled With Kindness is a sweet tale that illustrates how kindness, much like sprinkles on a donut, can make the world a brighter and more joyful place.

 4. Kindergarten: Where Kindness Matters Every Day by Reading is 

 Duration 11:23 

“Kindergarten: Where Kindness Matters Every Day is a heartwarming read-aloud book for kids, emphasizing the importance of kindness in the formative years. Join Reading is on this uplifting journey of daily kindness in kindergarten.

 5. Pete the Cat’s Groovy Guide to Kindness by Starr Princess Show 

 Duration: 6:11 

Groove along with Pete the Cat as he shares his guide to kindness. Starr Princess Show brings this beloved character to life, teaching kids that kindness is not just cool but also an essential part of their groovy journey through life.

 6. A Little Spot of Kindness by Moomi Read Alouds 

 Duration: 3:52 

Dive into “A Little Spot of Kindness with Moomi Read Alouds. This charming book by Diane Alber explores the concept of kindness through the adventures of a little spot. It’s a delightful tale that encourages children to spread kindness wherever they go.

 7. Listening with My Heart: A Story of Kindness & Self-Compassion by KidTimeStoryTime 

 Duration: 11:05 

KidTimeStoryTime presents a touching narrative on kindness and self-compassion. “Listening with My Heart is a story that resonates with children, emphasizing the importance of being kind not only to others but also to oneself.

 8. The Kindness Book by Reading is 

 Duration: 3:39 

Join Reading is on another adventure with “The Kindness Book. This short and sweet read-aloud encourages children to embrace kindness as a way of life, showcasing that even small acts can have a big impact.

 9. Kindness Makes the World Go Round (Sesame Street Book) by KidTimeStoryTime 

 Duration: 9:15 

Travel to Sesame Street with KidTimeStoryTime and discover how kindness makes the world go round. This timeless classic from Sesame Street is a delightful exploration of the importance of kindness in fostering a harmonious world.

 10. Grow Kind by Reading With KiKi 

 Duration: 5:52 

“Grow Kind with Reading With KiKi is a delightful read-aloud that encourages kids to nurture kindness like a growing plant. Through vibrant illustrations and engaging storytelling, this book teaches children the value of cultivating kindness in their lives.

 11. I Dig Being Kind! by Vooks 

 Duration: 8:29 

Join Vooks in an animated read-aloud adventure with “I Dig Being Kind! This story takes young readers on a journey with construction vehicles, illustrating that even tough trucks can have a soft spot for kindness.

 12. Kindness Starts With You – At School by My Bedtime Stories 

 Duration: 4:24 

My Bedtime Stories presents “Kindness Starts With You – At School. This book is a wonderful resource for teaching children about kindness in a school setting, emphasizing the positive impact it can have on their peers and surroundings.

 13. KINDNESS GETS A THUMBS UP! by StoryTime at Awnie’s House 

 Duration: 9:04 

Thumbs up for kindness! Join StoryTime at Awnie’s House in this delightful read-aloud that celebrates the positivity and joy that kindness brings. It’s a thumbs-up adventure that will leave children smiling and inspired.

 14. Kindness is my Superpower by Toadstools and Fairy Dust 

 Duration: 5:42 

Unleash the power of kindness with Toadstools and Fairy Dust. This enchanting read-aloud explores how kindness can be a superpower, empowering kids to make a positive difference in the world around them.

 15. Kindness Rocks by Books of Melanin 

 Duration: 2:47 

Join Books of Melanin on a journey where “Kindness Rocks. This captivating read-aloud explores the idea that acts of kindness create ripples of positivity, leaving an enduring impact on the world.

 16. EACH KINDNESS by Fresh Reading 

 Duration: 6:42 

Fresh Reading presents “EACH KINDNESS, a heartfelt read-aloud that delves into the themes of kindness and friendship. This poignant story encourages children to reflect on the profound effects of their actions on others.

 17. Kindness to Share from A to Z by The Book Garden 

 Duration: 3:30 

Conclude your journey with “Kindness to Share from A to Z with The Book Garden. This cute read-aloud for kids explores the importance of friendship and thoughtfulness, reinforcing the idea that kindness is a treasure worth sharing.

Incorporating these heartwarming books into a child’s reading routine can plant the seeds of kindness, nurturing a generation of compassionate and empathetic individuals. So, grab a cozy blanket, gather the little ones, and embark on these enchanting literary adventures that celebrate the power of kindness. After all, in the world of children’s books, kindness truly is a superpower that can change the world.


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