Nurturing Kindness in Young Hearts

Kindness is a topic that holds great importance in my life as a mother of two young children. Whether it’s in the classroom or at home, I find myself constantly addressing the significance of kindness, especially in today’s world where negativity can easily prevail.

I vividly remember a conversation I had with my mother, who was a teacher for my entire life. She expressed her concern that kindness seemed to disappear overnight, as if someone had flipped a switch. This realization made me realize the urgency of addressing the issue and instilling kindness in our children from an early age.

Recently, I came across a podcast called The Purpose Show Episode 064- Teaching Kids Kindness with The Ruth Project. This podcast touched on various thought-provoking topics related to kindness, and it resonated deeply with me.

Here are a few reflections I have on the subject of kindness as a mom with young children:


It’s disheartening that acts of kindness, such as one student helping another who has fallen, can come as a surprise to some people. Shouldn’t kindness be something we expect from our innocent and untainted children? We need to foster an environment where kindness is the norm, not the exception.


The Ruth Project, which has a faith-based approach, inspired me with their focus on teaching kindness. While I value the role of religion in teaching morals, it’s important to remember that kindness should not be limited to one religious perspective. As parents, we can teach our children the value of kindness regardless of our religious beliefs.


Modeling good behavior is a powerful way to reinforce the concept of kindness. Our children look up to us, and it’s crucial that we understand the impact our words and actions have on them. We need to be mindful of how we interact with others, avoiding hurtful remarks and instead showcasing kindness and empathy.


The podcast also touched on the issue of snarky attitudes. I must admit that I find some snarky comments humorous at times, but I now realize the importance of being cautious about expressing such behavior in front of our young children. We need to teach them the difference between harmless humor and hurtful mockery, ensuring that kindness prevails in their interactions with others.


The topic of forced apologies also came up in the podcast. While there is some value in teaching children to apologize, it’s crucial that the apologies are not forced but meaningful. Encouraging our children to understand the impact of their actions, to recognize the emotions of the person they have hurt, and to genuinely express remorse can help them develop empathy and reinforce the importance of kindness.

As a mom, I believe that kindness can be taught without relying solely on biblical references. We can use various approaches like storytelling, leading by example, and emphasizing empathy to instill kindness in our children’s hearts.

When it comes to forcing children to apologize, it’s essential to strike a balance. While it’s important for them to take responsibility for their actions, we should encourage them to reflect on their behavior and genuinely express remorse. This way, they will understand the significance of their actions and learn to be truly kind.

If you’d like to explore more about the podcast I mentioned, you can find the show notes at the following link:





3 responses to “Nurturing Kindness in Young Hearts”

  1. Catey Avatar

    This is such an important post. As a former school counselor I always tried to instill a message of kindness in all of my lessons, even the ones that weren’t directly about kindness! You’re so right about the modeling, kids are seriously sponges and will happily give out whatever they see from their role models, even if it’s not the type of message we intended to teach 😬 I’m so glad to see most people seem to be turning in the direction of raising kind kids!

    1. Patty Gordon Avatar

      Thanks so much for the comment!

      Kindness is such an easy thing to practice and yet people seem to have forgotten how important it really is. In school now they teach about Character Counts or some program like that and it helps kids practice better relationship skills with their peers but I feel like it should start at home and be a daily thing not just a school time practice.

  2. pensitivity101 Avatar

    I’m a believer in leading by example, and do-as-you-would-be-done-by. It costs nothing to say Thank you, or to show a little kindness and compassion. Sadly, these traits don’t seem as common as when I was growing up some 60 years ago.

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